Dr. Stodulka`s contribution in a book on laser cataract surgeries

At the end of 2013, the JP Medical Publishers published one of the first monographs in the world on laser cataract surgeries and laser lens surgeries named Femtolaser Cataract Surgery. The monograph was written by a collective of world-known specialists and dr. Stodůlka contributed with a chapter on selected complicated cases during laser cataract surgeries with the VICTUS femtosecond laser platform.

GEMINI Eye Clinic was the first eye care facility in Europe to start performing laser cataract surgeries with the VICTUS femtosecond laser platform and it still is the world leader in the number of laser cataract cases with this laser type. Thanks to a vast experience and a great number of cases, GEMINI Eye Clinic has been visitied by ophthalmologists from all over the world.

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