Dr. Stodulka presenting in Copenhagen, Denmark


In June 2013 SOE 2013 congress was held by the European Society of Ophthalmology and was attended by more than 4000 ophthalmologists and eye specialists.

Dr. Stodulka contributed to the program of the conference with his presentation and he received a thank-you letter and invitation for the next year`s conference from the organizers.

Dear Pavel Stodulka,
After the intensive days of the SOE 2013 Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, we would like to express our sincere thanks for your coming to Copenhagen and sharing your expertise. Your contribution greatly raised the scientific profile of the Congress and your support was much appreciated by all.

We could all see that ophthalmology is an interesting field that greatly contributes to progress in basic science and clinical research.

During these days, we all felt that we belong to a large family of people, having similar interests all over the world – and we are pleased to say that just over 4000 participants were present in Copenhagen. We hope this Congress has provided you with some new knowledge for your daily work at home and we sincerely hope you would be willing to participate again at future Congresses.

Please note in your calendar the date of the SOE 2015 Congress in Vienna, Austria, 6-9 June, 2015 – a Congress we are already looking forward to. Further information and updates may be found on: www.soe2015.org.

We are looking forward to meeting you again in the future.

Yours sincerely,
Stefan Seregard
Chairman of the Scientific Programme Committee

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