
Zlin ophthalmology festival 2012


The 5th year of Zlin ophthalmology festival, ZOF 2012, was being held on 9th March on the premises of Zlin Congress Center. The conference is designed for Czech and Slovak ophthalmologists and their medical staff who annually come to Zlin in March to share their experience from the daily praxis.

As a part of the conference program there were three live surgeries transmissions from the operation rooms of Gemini Eye Clinic in Zlin – cataract surgery with the VICTUS femtosecond laser platform, refractive lensectomy surgery, and all-laser LASIK surgery performed with femtosecond laser and 6D laser Amaris 750S.

For the first time in the history of the Czech ophthalmology the online transmissions were projected in 3D resolution to about 450 viewers in Zlin Congress Center and to more than 160 viewers worldwide (ie. about 50 university clinics and many private eye care facilities).


First laser cataract surgery in the Czech Republic performed on the VICTUS platform



Head surgeon of Gemini Eye Clinic Dr. Pavel Stodulka performed today at Gemini Eye Clinic in Zlin first laser cataract surgery in the Czech Republic and in Europe on the femtosecond laser VICTUS platform.

The first person treated was the same patient who 18 years ago underwent laser eye correction – the first LASIK method performed by Dr. Stodulka in the Czech Republic (the patient suffered from high myopia). Today – on Tuesday 7th February 2012 – she has undergone the first laser cataract surgery on the femtosecond laser platform called VICTUS.

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Czech president underwent a surgery at Gemini Eye Clinic in Zlin


At the beginning of February 2012, the President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus underwent an eye surgery at Dr. Pavel Stodulka`s Gemini Eye Clinic in Zlin. The President underwent a cataract surgery of both eyes. As one of the first patients in the Czech Republic and in Europe, the President Vaclav Klaus was operated on with the latest method – with a VICTUS femtosecond laser platform which enables the cataract surgery to be performed in a more precise and gentler way.


After the successful surgery, Vaclav Klaus departed for Prague.

Now, the President does not need his glasses anymore and sees clearly at all distances as well as at the reading distance.


New Crystal Line femtosecond laser



Since Wednesday, 7th December 2011, Gemini Eye Clinic uses a new Ziemer Crystal Line LDV femtosecond laser. Crystal Line is the fastest and most gentle laser for laser eye surgeries available. Thanks to its precise laser technology, thus the highest possible quality of the vision is obtained. The vision improvement is achieved immediately after the surgery, very often during the first few hours after the surgery.




Keratoconus treatment with CXL method now within 3 minutes


On Thursday September 8, Dr. Stodůlka performed corneal cross-linking with the Avedro KXL system. Thanks to this system, which is the first KXL system in the Czech Republic and one of the ten in Central Europe, the cross-linking time was reduced from original 30 minutes to 3 minutes only. The patient`s exposure is thus shorter and the procedure is thus more comfortable for them. The keratoconus treatment using new Avedro KXL system represents fast and painless solution for patients with keratoconus.


Unique surgery at Gemini Eye Clinic


Gemini Eye Clinic in Zlin witnessed a unique surgery performed by its head surgeon Dr. Pavel Stodulka. Dr. Stodulka performed a 27G vitrectomy – a surgery during which some or all vitreous humor is removed and which is carried out on an outpatient basis, is sutureless and does not require the patient to be under general anaesthesia. The size of the incision is less than 0,4mm and the surgery thus ensures more postoperative comfort and faster healing to the patients.


Dr. Bohdan Pomahac visits Dr. Stodulka at Gemini Eye Clinic


The afternoon of Thursday 21st was not an ordinary rainy afternoon because Dr. Bohdan Pomahac – a world-known plastic surgeon of Czech origin – visited Gemini Eye Clinic to see its hi-tech premises. Dr. Pomahac lives and works in Boston, MA, USA and he is most-known for performing the first full face transplant in the United States. 

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